This friday 28th July 2023 , ADAF will be presenting a LIVE Streaming, debriefing seminar, on ADAF online platform, Live now section on The seminar which take place from 12:00- 16:30 will be about the activities and results of the festival through the years 2017-2022.
The presentation will contain audiovisual and photographic material and will showcase the work and actions of the Festival through the aforementioned period. The seminar will be conducted by members of Multitrab productions, Curators and Organisers of Athens Digital Arts Festival as well as Artists and Personas that have contributed in every way to the materialisation of the events.
Seminar Program:
12:00-12:15 salutation
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki |multitrab productions
12:15- 12:55 2017
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki | multitrab productions
- P. Csaba Lang| artist, curator, festival organiser
- M. Anastasakos | artist
12:55-13:40 2018
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki | multitrab productions
- Ε. Olimpiou | curator
- G.De Gobbo | artist, curator, festival organiser
13:40-14:20 2019
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki | multitrab productions
- Y.Kranidiotis | artist
- S.Sotiriadi| artist
- H.Machairas |artist, multitrab productions
14:20-15:00 2020
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki | multitrab productions
- Μ.Georgatzi- D.Arnellou |artist
- T.Vallianatos|artist
15:00- 15:40 2021
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki | multitrab productions
- L.Messinezis |artist
- Α.Niaka|artist
- Μ.Markellou |research collaborator
15:40-16:20 2022
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki | multitrab productions
- A.Floros | universtiry collaborator
- F.Sakellariou |curator
- A.Mavrofridi | artist
16:20-16:30 κλεισιμο
- I. Chatzichristodoulou- E.Peristeraki | multitrab productions